
來源: 時(shí)間:2023-03-24 瀏覽量:0
Recently, the soil has not frozen yet, making it a good time to transplant deciduous trees in winter. Many friends have asked me how to dig this tree hole during tree transplanting? Can be more conducive to the transplanting of trees and the survival of trees after transplanting. Let's talk about it next.
Generally speaking, the size of the tree hole we dig is determined by the DBH or soil ball of the tree we plant.
For trees with a DBH of less than 10 centimeters and a smaller DBH, either bare root transplantation or small soil balls are required. This category can be drilled using a 50 cm diameter drilling machine and then transplanted. In this category, it is only necessary to pay attention to the planting depth of the trees, while other aspects are basically free of concern.
For trees with a DBH of more than 10 centimeters and a larger DBH, we need to dig soil balls first, and then determine the size of the tree hole based on the size of the soil balls. Generally speaking, the diameter of the tree hole should be at least 50 centimeters larger than the diameter of the soil ball, and the depth should be 20 to 30 centimeters higher than the thickness of the soil ball.
When excavating soil balls, the diameter of the soil ball is generally 6-8 times the diameter of the tree ground, and the thickness is about 2/3 of the diameter of the soil ball. For example, for trees with a diameter of 20 centimeters, the diameter of the soil ball is generally 1.2 meters to 1.6 meters, and the thickness is about 80 centimeters. The required tree hole size is generally 1.7 meters to 2 meters in diameter, and the depth is 1 meter to 1.1 meters.
Why is it possible to appropriately expand the tree hole for seedlings with a larger diameter at breast height?
Generally speaking, seedlings with small DBH have a relatively high survival rate after transplanting, so no special attention is required. However, seedlings with large DBH or distant from the original site need to appropriately expand the tree hole before planting.
This is mainly because if a tree wants to grow well and have a high survival rate, it must first cultivate roots. Two conditions must be satisfied if the root system wants to grow well:
One is that the soil near the root system has better air permeability; One is that the temperature of the soil should be suitable.
After expanding the tree hole during tree transplanting, transplanting can remove some construction waste from the soil, improve the air permeability of the soil near the root environment of the seedlings, and make the soil more loose. These are very conducive to the germination of new roots of the seedlings and facilitate the survival of the trees in the future. For more relevant content, please visit our website Consult!

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